Karaoke List

Explore our song list and enjoy karaoke in Scarborough, and Greater Toronto Area.

Song List

Explore our extensive karaoke song collection in Scarborough.

A close up of a pressure gauge on a pipe
A close up of a pressure gauge on a pipe
Karaoke Classics

Enjoy timeless hits from various genres and eras.

a statue of jesus on a cross in a church
a statue of jesus on a cross in a church
Top Hits

Sing along to the latest popular songs available.

a man standing on a ladder next to a woman
a man standing on a ladder next to a woman
woman in front on brown dining table and chairs inside building
woman in front on brown dining table and chairs inside building
Party Favorites

Get the crowd going with these energetic tracks.

New Arrivals

Discover the newest additions to our karaoke library.